Dunkirk, IN 1776

Dunkirk, IN Lodge News

Saturday NOVEMBER 11th, 2023 - PICTURES from VETERANS DAY!


On Saturday NOVEMBER 11th - We Celebrated and Honored Our Veterans
at the Dunkirk Elks 1776.  Attached are photos taken during our Annual Veteran's Day Ceremony and Dinner.  It was a wonderful evening, followed by the Remedy Band, who gave us an excellent evening of live entertainment 
(Information and pictures from the 2023 Annual Veteran's Day Ceremony & Dinner provided by James D. Fulks III P.E.R.)

This is was a great opportunity to say Thank You to all Veterans.  FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!   
Hope you enjoyed bringing your friends & neighbors, and showing off the improvements in our lodge. Veterans are ordinary people who do extraordinary things.  God Bless them All.

