Under the Spreading Antlers

They Tell These Tales of the Order

April, 1924
Connersville (Ind.) Lodge Members Gift Lodge a Generous Sum
Mr. Lon Conner, well-known Indiana attorney and one of the twenty-five charter members of Connersville (Ind.) Lodge, No. 379, recently made the Lodge a gift of $15,000 to be used in the building extension program planned by the members a few months ago. As a result of this generous action, the Lodge's building fund has been increased to such an extent that ground-breaking ceremonies for the new structure will take place this spring. Plans and specifications have been prepared calling for a two-story building on the west part of the lot at Seventh and Eastern streets owned by the Lodge. This building will be connected with the present structure, providing a large lodge room, a recreation room and dining room. Mr. Conner, whose gift came as a surprise to his fellow members, is the son of the late Reuben Conner, one of the leading attorneys of Indiana.

Detroit (Mich.) Lodge Active In Charity Work
Publication recently by the official bulletin of Detroit (Mich.) Lodge, No. 34, of the Secretary's financial report for six months ending September 30, 1923, brings out that this Lodge was very active in charitable work during the first six months of the Lodge year. Some idea of the benevolent interests of Detroit Lodge, which expended a total of over $10,000 for charities in the time referred to, may be gained from an examination of the items that make up this total.

From the educational fund, a feature described in the November, 1923, issue of The Elks Magazine, $1058.10 was expended. For funerals, including providing a quartette at funerals, $1,336.15. For flowers, at funerals, for the decoration of graves and for the sick, $732.90. Expenses of visitations to the sick, S900. For outings to orphans and other youngsters on May Day and other occasions, S914.04. Decoration Day and Flag Day celebrations, $763.25. For the maintenance of the Elks Rest, $520. Aid extended by the Relief Committee, $4,031.07. Total, for the six months ending September 30, 1923, $10,255.51.

Assuming the second half of the Lodge year, with Thanksgiving and Christmas activities and winter relief work, to call for more rather than less expenditure, it can be estimated that Detroit Lodge will have disbursed for Charity in the neighborhood of $20,000 to $25,000 during the Lodge year ending March 31, 1924.

Annual Frolic of Philadelphia Lodge To Be Important Event
One of the highlights of the Elk year in Philadelphia (Pa.) Lodge, No. 2, is the annual production known as the "Elks Frolic." This year, as in the past, this production will be held in the Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, on the nights of April 23-24-25-26, this being the twelfth annual production, which has grown to such proportions that it is now on a plane with any first-class Broadway musical comedy. The cast is confined entirely to members of Philadelphia Lodge, among whom are many of the leading comedians and vocalists of the American stage. Too much credit cannot be given these members for their faithfulness in attending rehearsals, and the spirit of cooperation exhibited by the rest of Philadelphia Lodge. To the hundreds of Elks in the vicinity of Philadelphia on the nights in question, what a wonderful opportunity it will be to see what teamwork, and enthusiasm on the part of a whole membership, can achieve.

This year's production will be new in every respect including dances, costumes and scenic and lighting effects, and the manner in which the Philadelphia Lodge members have taken hold of the proposition promises to outdo every previous effort.

Wenatchee (Wash.) Lodge Keeps in Touch with Towns in Jurisdiction
Wenatchee (Wash.) Lodge, No. 1186, has a special committee consisting of the Exalted Ruler, the Secretary and two other members whose function it is to visit the various outlying towns within the jurisdiction of the Lodge. The object of these visits is to meet the members and to have a close-up talk with them about matters of interest to each community, and to begin organization for more active and efficient Lodge work, and to permit those who are too far away to come to the meetings to carry on their Lodge and social activities through local committees, selected by the members of Wenatchee Lodge. Another purpose of the visits is to see that each community, where there are enough members, has a committee of five to look after Social and Community Welfare Work, and to be in direct contact with the Lodge through its Chairman.

Waltham (Mass.) Lodge Gives Phono graph and Records to City Home
As a result of the generosity of members of Waltham (Mass.) Lodge, No. 953, a beautiful phonograph with a library of records has been presented to the inmates of the City Home by the Social and Community Welfare Committee of the Lodge. It is the plan of the Committee to supply additional records for the machine from time to time.

Patchogue (N. Y.) Lodge Has Active Social Americanization Committee
The Social Americanization Committee of Patchogue (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1323, has completed a very successful year of work. In addition to organizing and conducting a large Lincoln celebration it has to its credit a unique Fourth of July celebration, participated in by an entire regiment of U. S. Regulars which happened to be quartered in the district; an impressive Harding Memorial Service; and Crippled Children's Day, on which it entertained nearly 200 youngsters at a theatre party. Members of Patchogue Lodge expect to start actual work on their new $150,000 Home in the near future.

Bakersfield (Calif.) Lodge Dedicates Handsome New Home
Bakersfield (Calif.) Lodge, No. 266, dedicated its new $425,000 Home on Washing ton's Birthday, in the presence of one thou sand visiting Elks from all parts of the State. In the afternoon, a class of 142 candidates was initiated into the Order. After the initiation, the Grand Lodge officers were entertained at dinner at the Stockdale Coif and Country Club. In the evening the dedication ceremonies were held. Dr. Howard B. Kirtland of San Luis Obispo (Calif.) Lodge, No. 322, President of the California Stale Elks Association, presided at the services, assisted by Grand Esteemed Leading Knight, Harry !M. Ticknor of Pasadena (Calif.) Lodge, No. 672, and Past Exalted Ruler James M. Shanly of Oakland (Calif.) Lodge, No. 171, who was present at the organization of Bakersfield Lodge over thirty years ago. Horace Amphlett, of San Mateo (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1112, delivered a patriotic and inspiring address. After the ceremonies dinner was served in the jinks room, to over 600 of the guests.

The architecture of the new building is colonial and the structure is of steel, concrete and brick. On the first floor, to the left of the entrance in the center of the building, is the jinks room, 82 x 46 feet, which is provided with adequate stage facilities, and a well-equipped kitchen. This big room will be used for dances, entertainments and banquets. The entrance to the building is surrounded by stately columns, and marbled floors and stairway form the way to the second floor, or the large passenger elevator can be used. In the rear of the entrance is the tiled swimming-pool, 46 x 30 feet. On the right of the entrance are the ladies' par- lop, which can be reached from the street without entering the building proper. On the main floor is the very spacious lounge room, 57 X 37 feet. The Lodge room, 70 X 46 feet, on the same floor, is the pride of the Bakersfield Lodge. Its walls and ceiling are decorated with art work in a brown tint, and the curtains in the embrasured windows are in harmony with the color scheme. In a short time a pipe-organ will be installed in the loft provided for that purpose. The spacious billiard room is off the lounge room. A club room and buffet are to the rear of the billiard room. The third and fourth floors are divided into forty finely furnished rooms for members and traveling Elks.

On the evening following the dedication the first dance in the new building was held, and it was enjoyed by hundreds of the members and their friends.

Erie (Pa.) Lodge Raising Fund to Save Perry's Flagship
Erie (Pa.) Lodge, No. 67, cooperating with various organizations of the city, has launched a campaign to keep the Niagara, Perry's old flagship, in Erie and to provide funds for its care and maintenance. The story of the Battle of Lake Erie and of Perry and his ship is known to every school child in the land. The old ship is on the verge of ruin and a considerable sum of money is necessary to save it. Working with Erie Lodge in this highly patriotic work are the Rotary and Lions Clubs, the Chamber of Commerce, the Woman's Club and the Daughters of the Revolution. A series of special entertainments are being conducted by Erie Lodge for the benefit of the Niagara Fund.

Lyons (N, Y.) Lodge Helps Crippled School Children
It having been reported to Lyons (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 869, that 47 of the pupils in the Union School were suffering with curvature of the spine and other afflictions, and that in most cases the parents were unable to provide the necessary treatment, the members voted an appropriation to purchase apparatus for the cripples. This is just one of the many charitable activities of Lyons Lodge which have established it as a leader in the community. Recently the Lodge celebrated its growth to over 500 members by a large entertainment at which the mortgage on its Home was burned, freeing the Lodge of all debt.

Ensley (Ala.) Lodge to Have New Home Soon
Within the next year Ensley (Ala.) Lodge, No. 987, plans to build a new Home to cost approximately $30,000. Tentative plans call for the erection of the building on the site now occupied by the present Home, which has become inadequate because of the large increase in membership.

Louisville (Ky.) Lodge Forms A Dramatic Club
Among the many and varied activities of Louisville (Ky.) Lodge, No. 8, a new organization has sprung into being, and its prospects of success seem very bright. It is a dramatic club, which will be known as the "Elks Players." Louisville Lodge numbers among its members a great many brothers who have had some dramatic experience, either professionally or as amateurs, and the productions which the Elks Players expect to present will be of the highest calibre from a dramatic, scenic and artis tic standpoint. The Elks Players are al ready at work on a one-act play which will be presented at a meeting of the Lodge in the near future, and it is hoped that this_ first attempt will give an impetus to dramatics in all its phases in Louisville Lodge. Member ship in the Elks Players is open to any Elk, any member of the Ladies' Auxiliary, or any female member of an Elk's family.

A similar organization also known as the "Elks Players" was successfully launched a short time ago by Erie (Pa.) Lodge, No. 67.

Woodrow Wilson Once Memorial Day Orator for Asbury Park (N. J.) Lodge
To Asbury Park (N. J.) Lodge, No. 128, belongs an honor little known except to a few careful observers. In 1911 when Woodrow Wilson was Governor of New Jersey he was selected as the orator at the Lodge's Memo rial Service. It was the only time he ever addressed an Elk Lodge. His talk was a beautiful tribute to the Order and was favor ably commented upon by the newspapers throughout the country.

Concert Given by Famous Chorus of Minneapolis (Minn.) Lodge
The Elks Male Chorus of Minneapolis (Minn.) Lodge, No. 44, recently gave its eighth annual concert before a large and grateful audience at the Auditorium. This famous chorus, organized in 1912 with sixteen voices, has gradually gained in numbers and popularity until now it is one of the leading musical units of the city and has thirty-five members. Besides playing an important part in the musical life of the city, the Chorus is a valuable asset to the Lodge, taking part in many of its activities and being the means of attracting a large number of new members to the Lodge.

Gorgeous Carnival Ball Given By New Orleans (La.) Lodge
This year the revival of its custom of holding a Carnival Ball was one of the greatest social events ever conducted by New Orleans (La.) Lodge, No. 30. As the event took place on Washington's Birthday, many beautiful historic tableaux were featured during the evening. The tableaux and costumes represented the figures of that period —Continentals and Colonials, the Goddess of Liberty, George Washington, with Mount Vernon as a background—and all were gorgeously and lavishly conceived and worked out. The Ball was held in the Athenaeum and was attended by one of the largest gatherings in the history of the Lodge.

Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Lodge Raises Big Sum for Health Camp
Recently Poughkeepsie (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 275, purchased a farm outside the city as a permanent site for a health camp for the undernourished children in Dutchess County. In order to raise sufficient funds to equip and maintain the camp the Lodge staged a mam moth circus which realized over $6,000 for the purpose. Announcement of the success of the circus was made at the banquet celebrating the Lodge's thirtieth Birthday. More than 300 members attended the event and were enthusiastic over the speeches and entertainment and the phenomenal report of the circus committee.

Lodges of New York Set Aside Day For Crippled Children
A resolution has been incorporated in the minutes of practically every Lodge in New York State, setting aside the first Monday in August of each year as a day for crippled children. On this day, unfortunate youngsters will be given a special outing and remembered in many other ways that will brighten their lives. This action of New York Lodges is in line with similar work being done throughout the Order, notably in New Jersey where the care of crippled children has been organized in a highly effective manner.

New Home of Astoria (Ore.) Lodge Ready for members in Fall
Work on the new $200,000 Home of Astoria (Ore.) Lodge, No. 180, is progressing rapidly. As this issue of The Elks Magazine goes to press, preparations are being made for laying the corner-stone. It is expected that District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler E. G. Gearhart, who is a member of Astoria Lodge, will preside at the exercises. The new building is a fire-proof structure with gymnasium, shower baths, lodge room, bachelor quarters and club rooms on the second and third floors. The ground floor will be divided into stores. The membership of Astoria Lodge expects to occupy the new building about September 15th.

Vernon (Texas) Lodge Grows Steadily. Officers Excel in Ritual Work
Under special dispensation granted by Grand Exalted Ruler McFarland, the officers of Vernon (Texas) Lodge, No. 1383, recently went to Electra, Texas, an oil town in its jurisdiction, and initiated a group of twenty-one candidates, comprising the leading business and professional men of the city. Officers from Wichita Falls (Texas) Lodge, No. 1105, who were present, were so impressed by the ritualistic work of Vernon Lodge that they invited its officers to conduct initiatory ceremonies for them on the occasion of taking in a large class of candidates.

Willard (Ohio) Lodge Entertains Distinguished Gathering
Willard (Ohio) Lodge, No. 1370, on the occasion of the initiating of a large class of candidates into the Order, had as its guest District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler R. Ford Loomis of Elyria (Ohio) Lodge, No Williams of Sandusky (Ohio) Lodge, No. 285, and many other distinguished members. Over 200 took part in the banquet served to the guests of the Lodge. President of the Ohio State Elks Association, George C. Canalos, who was unable to be present because of illness sent a telegram congratulating Willard Lodge.

Caldwell (Idaho) Lodge Has a "Flying Squadron" Committee
Caldwell (Idaho) Lodge, No. 1448, has organized a special "Flying Squadron" of members whose function it is to visit the various towns and villages in its jurisdiction. The idea is to promote a feeling of good will and brotherly love among the members who live in these outlying places and to make them feel as close to the Lodge as members Riding in Caldwell itself. The "Flying Squadron" has been very successful in its work, and a better and more productive cooperation has been fostered throughout the entire jurisdiction as a result of its visits.

Warren (Ohio) Lodge Has Famous Girls Basket Ball Team
Warren (Ohio) Lodge, No. 295, has something to be proud of this year, something that perhaps no other Lodge can boast of. This is a girls basket ball team that ranks with the best in the United States and Canada. The team, organized and managed by the members of Warren Lodge, has achieved such notable success and has so many important victories to its credit that its fame has won great prestige for the Lodge.

One of Its closest contests was the opening game of the season against the national champions, the Smith McDonald team of Youngstown, Ohio. The Elks management was criticized severely for arranging such a game so early in the season, but when the final returns came in the Elks team was found to be on the heavy end of a 17 to 16 score and the national champions were defeated. In that game the team showed exceptional ability considering it was the first contest of the season. As the season progressed the girls showed great improvement and challenges were issued to eastern and western teams, and negotiations started for a series of games with the London, Ont., Shamrocks and the Edmonton, Alberta, Commercial Grads, holders of the International Girls' Basketball Championship and possessors of the Underwood Trophy. One of the big feats of the team occurred when Ihe girls played against the Tut and Bud Tailors, a men's team. The final score was 36 to 32 in favor of the men. This was the first time in this section of Ohio that a girls' team encountered a men's team. The score shows how well the girls played.

During the past year the members of Warren Lodge have completely remodeled their Home which was formerly the home of J. W. and W. D. Packard, the founders of the Packard automobile. They now have a well arranged Lodge room on the third floor, secretary's office and living quarters and the home of the matron on the second floor, large club rooms, enlarged dining-room and modem kitchen on the first floor, and committee, lounging and club rooms in the basement. In the rear of the Home, a large two story brick barn as been remodeled to become the home of the three troops of Boy Scouts fostered by this Lodge. Warren Lodge is a pioneer in the Boy Scout movement, having been, perhaps, the first Lodge to organize a troop of Boy Scouts. At present the Lodge is supporting Troops 17, 22 and 25, and the boys are under the personal supervision of a member of Warren Lodge.

Farmers’ Meetings Held Under Auspices Of Lamar (Colo.) Lodge
With the idea of helping the farmers throughout its jurisdiction, Lamar (Colo.) Lodge, No. 1319, is sponsoring a series of lectures on poultry, dairy products and crops. The Lodge has secured the services of thirty-two speakers, all graduates of agricultural colleges and specialists in the different branches of farming. These lectures are given in the various county school-houses throughout the district, making it easy for the farmers to attend. In addition to the speakers, each of the meetings is made attractive by instrumental and vocal music. The farmers are deeply appreciative of this helpful work being done for them by Lamar Lodge, and the members feel from the results, that they have hit upon a productive field of community activity.

Tampa (Fla.) Lodge Host to Allentown (Pa.) Members
Twenty-four members of Allentown (Pa.) Lodge, No. 130, and their families were entertained recently by Tampa (Fla.) Lodge, No. 708. The party, numbering fifty in all, was conducted on a sight-seeing tour of the city and served a luncheon, the menu of which featured Tampa products, citrus fruits, shrimp and other sea food. The members of Allentown Lodge, traveling on holiday through Florida, were deeply appreciative of the hospitality of Tampa Lodge which arranged the entire entertainment on only a few hours' notice.

Moscow (Idaho) Lodge Plans to Give Harding Memorial Scholarships
Moscow (Idaho) Lodge, No. 249, has under consideration the adoption of a plan for a Harding Memorial Scholarship Fund. The idea, if carried out, will mean the establishment of a permanent and benevolent memorial to the late President. The tentative outline of the plan as recently submitted to the membership contains the following recommendations:

(1) That one scholarship should be given in the fall of each year and should be continued over a second year, in case the recipient proves entirely deserving. (2) That these should be given to students of the University of Idaho and Washington State College in alternate years, so that at any one time after the first year one student in each institution would be receiving a scholarship. (3) That these scholarships should be S250 a year. (4) That they should not be awarded to students below the junior year in either institution, so that no student would hold a Harding Scholarship during more than two years, junior and senior years of his college course. (5) That the Lodge should appoint an ex-officio committee to administer these scholarships, the committee to con sist of the presidents of the two institutions, the secretary and treasurer of the Lodge, and one or more other officers to be specified. (6) That there should be an understanding with each Harding scholar that there rests upon him at least a moral obligation to repay to the Lodge when he is financially able to do so, the amount he has received through his scholarship, in order that this may become a part of the permanent fund for the help of other students in future years.

New Home of Lorain (Ohio) Lodge Dedicated by Grand Exalted Ruler
The beautiful new $450,000 Home and Hotel Antlers built by Lorain (Ohio) Lodge, No. 1301, was dedicated recently by Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland. Among the many distinguished members of the Order who took part in the ceremonies were Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson; District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler R. Ford Loomis; George C. Canalos, President of the Ohio State Elks Association and A. Barton Horton, of Cincinnati Lodge, No. 5, formerly President of the Association. In addition to the hundreds of members of Lorain Lodge, there was representation from Lodges in many Ohio cities. Lakewood (Ohio) Lodge, No. 1350, sent a delegation head^ by the Lakewood Band. Cleveland, Elyria and Sandusky Lodges were represented by large delegations which came in special cars. Preceding the service of dedication a banquet, attended by 500 visitors, was given in the Auditorium of the new building in honor of Mr. McFarland and the members of his party. Paul L. Plato, Exalted Ruler of Lorain Lodge, introduced the Mayor of the city, George Hoffman, who welcomed the Grand Exalted Ruler.

Besides affording the membership of Lorain Lodge with one of the finest Homes in the Middle West, the new building does a real service for the city in providing a first class hotel, far surpassing in appointments and comfort anything else in the community.

Mercedes (Texas) Lodge Initiates Class for Brownsville (Texas) Lodge
More than forty members of Mercedes (Texas) Lodge, No. 1467, recently visited Brownsville (Texas) Lodge, No. 1032, and initiated a large class of candidates. Following the exemplification of the ritual and the regular business of the Lodge, a smoker and luncheon were held in honor of the new and visiting members. Brownsville Lodge has been growing steadily both in membership and interest during the past months, and the wide activities of the Lodge during the present year are building up one of the strongest Lodges in Southern Texas.

Concord (Mass.) Lodge Instituted by District Deputy Strachan
A new Lodge was recently instituted by District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Frederick T. Strachan at Concord, Mass. Past Grand Exalted Ruler James R. Nicholson installed the officers, and the officers of Arlington (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1435, initiated the 75 charter members into the Order. More than 1,000 visitors from all parts of New England attended the festivities. The Exalted Ruler and Secretary of Con cord (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1479, are as follows: Exalted Ruler, George F. A. Mulcahy; Secretary, Andrew J. Raymond.

Famous Zouave Patrol of San Antonio (Texas) Lodge
Captain Julius Pace, who for the last two years has been the leader of the famous Zouave Patrol of San Antonio (Texas) Lodge, No. 216, has been selected again to head that worthy organization for the ensuing year. At a recent meeting of the Patrol, all officers were unanimously reelected to their respective offices. The Patrol has shown a wonderful growth during the last twelve months, not only in membership but also in the expansion of the work it has undertaken. At the Grand Lodge Convention in Atlanta last year, the Patrol won third prize in the Competitive Drill Contest, barely missing first by a few points. The members of the Patrol are looking forward to fresh laurels at the Boston Convention this July.

Grand Exalted Ruler Dedicates New Home of Bloomfield (N. J.) Lodge
The new Home of Bloomfield (N. J.) Lodge, No. 788, was recently dedicated by Grand Exalted Ruler McFarland. Large delegations from practically every Lodge in the district were on hand to witness the ceremonies. Accompanying Mr. McFarland and taking part in the exercises were Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, Past Grand Exalted Ruler Joseph T. Fanning, and Philip Clancy, of Niagara Falls Lodge, No. 346, President of the New York State Elks Association.

New District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Appointed
Grand Exalted Ruler McFarland has appointed Murett W. Brown of Shawnee (Okla.) Lodge, No. 657, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for Oklahoma Southeast, succeeding C. D. Wallace who resigned because of removal from the District.

Ogden (Utah) Lodge to Build $100,000 Addition to Home
In order to take care of its growing membership, Ogden (Utah) Lodge, No. 719, is planning to build an addition to its present Home at a cost of Si00,000. The new structure will provide among many other features an enlarged Lodge room, an auditorium 100 feet wide and 150 feet long, and club and billiard rooms in the basement. On the third and fourth floors there will be about thirty living-rooms with baths for the accommodation of visiting members.

Pennsylvania Lodges in South Central District Form an Association
A very interesting and profitable meeting was held recently at Altoona (Pa.) Lodge, No. 102, by the Pennsylvania South Central District Association. This association was formed some time ago and is composed of all Past Exalted Rulers, Exalted Rulers and Secretaries of the lodges in that District. Already it has achieved many noteworthy results in promoting closer cooperation among the various Lodges.

Greenwich (Conn.) Lodge Preparing For Annual Elks Frolic
Preparations are well under way for the Elks' Frolic to be given for the benefit of their Charity Fund by members of Greenwich (Conn.) Lodge, No. 1150, in the Havemeyer Auditorium on Monday and Tuesday evenings, May 26-27. From all indications this year's entertainment will be most elaborate, far surpassing any heretofore at tempted by No. 1150. A street parade with members in uniform will be a feature of the opening night.

Features of Chicago Convention of Illinois State Elks Association
The Illinois State Elks Association, which will meet in Chicago this year, has set Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 5-6-7, as the dates of its Convention. Among the features of the gathering will be the finals in a state-wide ritualistic contest, the winners in the five Districts to be the contestants. Charles A. White, former Grand Treasurer, has donated a beautiful new trophy to be awarded the winner. The previous Charles A. White Cup went to Monmouth Lodge, No. 397, permanently at last year's Convention. A meeting of Exalted Rulers and Secretaries of the State will be another feature. The District meetings of these officials aroused much interest, particularly in the Northern District where twenty of the twenty-one Lodges were represented.

Past Exalted Rulers Association of Connecticut Has Interesting Meeting
The annual meeting of the Past Exalted Rulers Association of Connecticut was held recently at Rockville, Conn. On arrival at Rockville (Conn.) Lodge, No. 1359, the guests were entertained and luncheon was served. The meeting was held in the town hall at 1:30 P. M. and presided over by President O'Connell. One of the most interesting committee reports read was that which dealt with the work being done at the Allingtown Hospital in Wallingford, and at the Sea Side Sanitarium in New London. The election of officers of the Association for the coming year resulted as follows: President, Dr. J. J. O'Loughlin of Rockville Lodge; Treasurer, Louis Brock of Bridgeport (Conn.) Lodge, No. 36; Secretary, Harry C. Brown of Stamford (Conn.) Lodge, No. 899. Among the principal speakers at the meeting were Past Grand Exalted Ruler James R. Nicholson and Charles F. J. McCue, former Chairman of the Board of Grand Trustees. It was voted that the summer meeting would be held at New London in June. At the adjournment of the meeting a fine dinner was served at the Rockville House, followed by an entertainment in the local theatre.

Rawlins (Wyo.) Lodge Takes Good Care of City's Needy Children
Rawlins (Wyo.) Lodge, No. 609, is justly proud of its charity work during the past few months. Under the auspices of the Social and Community Welfare Committee every destitute child in the city has been supplied with shoes and clothing, and many dozens of baskets of food have been distributed to the needy families. This good work called forth a vote of thanks from the teachers of the Rawlins public schools, as the generosity of the Lodge made it possible for many of the children to return to school, properly dressed. During three months over $1,000 has been spent for this work. In addition, the Lodge recently gave a banquet at its Home to which every poor child in the city was invited. Over 130 little tots sat down to a real meal. By acts of kindness such as these Rawlins Lodge, located amidst the sage-brush of southern Wyoming, is doing its part to make the principle of Charity a living, actual thing.

Woman's Relief Corps Gives Dover (N. H.) Lodge Beautiful Memorial
The Sawyer Woman's Relief Corps recently presented Dover (N. H.) Lodge, No. 184, with a beautiful framed hand-wrought tablet in memory of Mrs. Sophia D. Hall, late Past President of the Corps, and the mother of Arthur W. Hall, the Exalted Ruler of the Lodge. The tablet is inscribed as follows: "To Dover Lodge of Elks, this tablet is given by Sawyer Woman's Relief Corps, with deep and abiding appreciation of many kindly courtesies received. In the daily life of the great Lodge of Elks are interwoven those little kindnesses which smooth life's way for others and therein lies its greatness." Exalted Ruler Hall accepted the handsome gift on behalf of the Lodge, expressing his deep appreciation of the memorial.

Winchester (Fa.) Lodge Gives Use of Home When Fire Damages Hospital
When fire seriously damaged the Memorial Hospital, Winchester (Va.) Lodge, No. 867, offered its Home to the hospital authorities as temporary quarters. This offer was accepted and that same night the furniture was removed from the Home. The next morning the hospital took possession, and in the afternoon the building had been turned into a hospital and the patients moved in. Several places were offered Winchester Lodge for its meetings, the American Legion Biding being finally accepted when the Girls' Athletic Association generously volunteered to give the members the use of its club-room on the second floor of that building.

Irvington (N. J.) Lodge to Hold Prize Poster Contest
Due to the gratifying results of the prize essay contest recently conducted by Irvington (N. J.) Lodge, No. 1245, another contest among the school children is being contemplated. This will be a prize poster contest open to the pupils of the High Schools. In connection with this, an exhibit may be staged at which time prominent artists and instructors will pass opinion upon the de signs submitted.

Minnesota State Elks Association To Compile Welfare Work of Lodges
Special consideration will be given to the welfare work of the various Lodges through out the State at the meeting next August in Duluth of the Minnesota State Elks Association. John E. Regan, President of the Association, has sent out a circular requesting a report of the welfare activities of every Lodge, showing the amount of money and the work done in this field from May 1st, 1923, to May 1st, 1924. It is the desire of the Association to forward a copy to each Lodge in the State of the compilation of this welfare work and also to send a copy to the Grand Lodge. By so doing, each Lodge will come into direct contact with its sister Lodges and a collective report of Minnesota's welfare work will be put before the Grand Lodge.

Rapid Progress Being Made On New Home of San Francisco (Calif.) Lodge
Work on the new million-dollar Home of San Francisco (Calif.) Lodge, No. 3, for which ground was broken officially some months ago, is progressing rapidly. Every effort possible is being made by the Building Committee, architect and general contractor to have the building in such shape by January 1st, 1925, that it will be possible to hold the Christmas Jinks in the new auditorium.

New Home of Hollister (Calif) Lodge Dedicated
Dedicatory services for the beautiful new Home of Hollister (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1436, were recently conducted by Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland who was assisted by a number of other distinguished members of the Order among whom were Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, Howard B. Kirtland, President of the California State Elks Association, and the officers of San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, San Rafael, San Jose, San Mateo, Watsonville, Monterey and Salinas Lodges, together with representation from each. Mr. McFarland gave an impressive talk at the conclusion of the ceremonies and speeches were also made by Mr. Robinson and Mr. Kirtland. Over 300 took part in the dance which wound up the evening. The new Home of Hollister Lodge represents the last word in comfort and convenience and is a decided architectural acquisition to the city.

Princeton (Ill.) Lodge Shows Growth, Occupies New Home
Princeton (Ill.) Lodge, No. 1461, recently moved into its beautiful new Home facing the Square of the city. This building, purchased by the Lodge last December, has been remodeled, re-decorated and furnished throughout. It has a ladies' parlor, two large lounges, a big dining-room and kitchen, and a sun parlor for both winter and summer use. On the second floor is the lodge room, and a large billiard and pool room. The Lodge has engaged a professional chef and dining service will be inaugurated for both members and visiting Elks. Princeton Lodge, instituted on April 11, 1923, with a charter list of forty-eight, now has a member ship close to 500.

Silver Anniversary to be Observed By Schenectady (N. Y.) Lodge
Schenectady (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 480, is making unusual plans for the celebration of its twenty-fifth anniversary. The event will be marked by the initiation of a class of over 100 candidates, a large banquet, a grand ball and numerous other features. It is expected that large delegations from sister Lodges throughout the State, and many prominent members of the Order from all over the country will attend these festivities, which will be held on April 21-23 inclusive.

Omaha (Neb.) Lodge Erects Tablet In Memory of "Buffalo Bill"
A bronze tablet with the inscription "This tablet erected by Omaha (Neb.) Lodge, No. 39, B.P.O. Elks, in memory of Brother William F. Cody," has been purchased by Omaha Lodge and will be placed on the granite boulder on the grave of Col. Cody (Buffalo Bill) on top of Lookout Mountain.

Mason City (Iowa) Lodge Establishes Welfare Fund
Mason City (Iowa) Lodge, No. 375, has placed in the hands of its Social and Community Welfare Committee a sum equal to one dollar for each member, amounting to approximately S1,000. This will be done annually by the Lodge and the fund used in various charitable activities. The Committee is doing noble work in assisting the needy and distressed, and the children of the city in particular regard the Elks as an ever present help in time of trouble. In addition to these activities, Mason City Lodge has organized and developed a very successful Boy Scout troop.

Williamson (W. Va.) Lodge Growing. New Home a Possibility
Instituted on April 1st, 1921, with thirty charter members, Williamson (W. Va.) Lodge, No. 1408, now has a membership of over 300. At the present rate of growth the Lodge expects to pass the 500 mark in the near future. Though Williamson Lodge owns its own Home, it is considering the erection of a new building, one that will afford greater facilities for taking care of its growing membership and its wider activities.

Grand Exalted Ruler Grants Dispensation for New Lodge
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland has granted a dispensation for the following new Lodge:

Westfield (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1481.

Large Donation for Boy Scouts Made by Oak Park (Ill.) Lodge
Oak Park (Ill.) Lodge, No. 1295, has donated $1,500 to the Boy Scouts to be used in the repair of their camp at Bridgeman, Mich. This gift of Oak Park Lodge is in line with the campaign being conducted by the business men and fraternal organizations in the district of Chicago to raise $150,000 for the advancement of scouting in that part of Illinois.

Home of Kenosha (Wis.) Lodge is Community Center of City
The beautiful Home recently built by Kenosha (Wis.) Lodge, No. 750, is in many respects the community center of the city. The building includes a thirty-room hotel operated for traveling members of the Order, and the facilities of the Home are always open to visiting members and their families as well as to the various civic and social organizations of the city. The Home boasts a banquet hall with kitchen equipment capable of serving 300 at one time; a beautiful ball room, with clear dancing space 60 x 80 feet, billiard, pool, club and lounge rooms; one of the largest and best swimming pools and Turkish baths in the city; and bowling alleys. The Home radiates vitality and holds open-doored encouragement for all movements that promise civic betterment, national advancement and uplift.

Kokomo (Ind.) Lodge Occupying New Home. To be Dedicated April 15th
Members of Kokomo (Ind.) Lodge, No. 190, recently moved into their beautiful new Home on West Mulberry Street. The building is not yet complete in all its detail, though the members are enjoying the big lounging room on the main floor and the club rooms in the basement. The grill, dining rooms and Lodge room will be ready for occupancy in a short time. The formal dedication will not take place until April 15 and the official opening May 7. The old quarters have now been surrendered to the Knights of Colum bus, whose club rooms were destroyed by fire a short time ago.

Steubenville (Ohio) Lodge Starts Movement for New Home
A movement toward a new Home for Steubenville (Ohio) Lodge, No. 231, was launched at an enthusiastic meeting of the members recently. The building project, delayed for many years, was approved by more than 200 members and indications are that the bulk of the membership will lend its support. Announcement was made by Exalted Ruler Earl Applegate that a committee would be named to make a canvass of the members to determine whether or not the project can be adequately financed at this time. Approximately 870,006 will have to be pledged by the members to put the building plans across, that sum being needed to complete the new home fund. Steubenville Lodge owns a suitable and valuable site at Fourth and North Streets. In the event of a favorable report from the committee, and after approval has been obtained from the Grand Lodge officers, plans will be laid for building this year.

Breckenridge (Texas) Lodge No. 1480 Instituted
Breckenridge (Texas) Lodge, No. 1480, was recently instituted by District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler A. M. Jameson of Ranger (Texas) Lodge, No. 1373. N. J. Nanney is the Exalted Ruler and H. M. Stevenson the Secretary.

Gov. W. H. McMaster Guest of Yankton (S. Dak.) Lodge
Yankton (S. Dak.) Lodge, No. 994, on the occasion of initiating a large class of candidates on Washington's Birthday, had as its honor guest and principal speaker of the evening Hon. W. H. McMaster, Governor of South Dakota. Mr. McMaster is a Past Exalted Ruler of Yank ton Lodge, and will be remembered by the delegates to the Grand Lodge Convention in Atlanta last July for the speech he made in nominating James G. McFarland for Grand Exalted Ruler. Following a stirring address by Governor McMaster, and after the initiation of the candidates, a special supper was served to the visitors and a fine vaudeville program presented for their amusement.

Grand Exalted Ruler Entertained By Wellsville (Ohio) Lodge
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John F. Sherry and Hon. John G. Price, former Chief Justice of the Grand Forum, were recently guests of Wellsville (Ohio) Lodge, No. 1040, at a reception and luncheon. Approximately two-thirds of the membership of the Lodge were in attendance and heard the address made by Mr. McFarland. Wellsville Lodge has the distinction of being the smallest Lodge so far visited by Mr. McFarland.

Iowa State Elks Association Issues Monthly Circulars
The Iowa State Elks Association, through its President, Clay Kneese of Muscatine (Iowa) Lodge, No. 304, has inaugurated the plan of issuing a circular each month to be read in all the Subordinate Lodges of the State. In his first circular, the President stressed the State Association's proposal that each Lodge assist some worthy young man or woman to secure an education in the State University of Iowa, and advocated active support of the Boy Scout movement in every community.

Paducah (Ky.) Lodge to Build Beautiful Five-Story Home
The preliminary plans of the new Home which Paducah (Ky.) Lodge, No. 217, is about to build, call for a five-story building. Features of the new structure will be a summer and winter swimming-pool, a fully equipped gymnasium with showers and lockers, a beautiful Lodge-room which can also be used for dancing and other large gatherings. It is planned to devote the entire third, fourth and fifth floors to living rooms, about sixty in number, each with bath. The new building will be located on property already owned by the Lodge at Sixth and Jefferson Streets.

'"Italian Night" Was Big Event For San Mateo (Calif) Lodge
The "Italian Night" staged by the members of San Mateo (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1112, who are of Italian descent, was one of the largest entertainments ever held in the Home. Over 400 members gathered to enjoy the feast and the special program provided for the occasion. The dinner, conceived by one of the most noted Italian chefs from San Francisco, was a masterpiece of the culinary art, and the remarkably efficient manner in which it was served and the way the whole lively program of entertainment was conducted, evoked the praise of all present.

Newark (N J.) Lodge to Provide Entertainment For City Orphanages
The Social and Community Welfare Committee of Newark (N.J.) Lodge, No. 21, has enlarged the scope of its work so as to furnish entertainment to the various orphan asylums in the city. Recently the committee successfully carried out a fine program at St. Peter's Orphan Asylum. The evening was enjoyed by about 350 children. The program consisted of storytelling, singing and radio, and was interspersed with some very fine community singing by the children themselves. A similar entertainment was also given at the Hebrew Orphan Asylum a few weeks later. From now on Newark Lodge expects to stage a party of some kind each week at the various orphanages of the city.

Belleville (Ill.) Lodge to Build Large Addition to Home
Belleville (Ill.) Lodge, No. 481, is considering a proposal made by its Building Committee to erect an addition to its present building. The tentative plans provide for increased facilities for the bowlers, for the billiard and pool players, a large lounge and reading rooms, and roof garden for dancing. In its estimate of the costs, the committee report shows that the erection of the addition along these lines, exclusive of lighting fixtures and furnishings, will total $36,000.

Nashville (Tenn.) Lodge to Have Memorial Album
In loyal remembrance of departed members of Nashville (Tenn.) Lodge, No. 72, a proposal was made and adopted at a recent meeting to preserve in a Memorial Album all available photographs of the deceased members, together with a brief sketch of their lives. This album, in connection with the handsome memorial tablets hung in the lodge hall, will be the additional means of perpetuating in memory" as long as Nashville Lodge shall exist, all those who, since its organization, have passed over the Great Divide.

Cortland {N. Y.) Lodge Takes Part in Salvation Army Drive
Cortland (N.Y.) Lodge, No. 748, cooperating with various other organizations of the city, recently conducted the local Salvation Army Budget Drive for $3,200, to assist the Army in carrying on its activities this year. The campaign was a county wide affair and included the rural sections as well as the city. Practically every member of Cortland Lodge took part in the drive.

First Public Concert Given by Band Of Grand Haven (Mich.) Lodge
An audience of between five and six hundred music lovers heard the first public concert given by the newly organized band of Grand Haven (Mich.) Lodge, No. 1200. The concert was very successful from every viewpoint, and included some splendid band selections as well as dance and vocal numbers. Enough money was realized from the sale of tickets to assure the purchase of new uniforms for the members of the band.

Trenton (Mo.) Lodge Initiates Fine Body of Citizens into Order
As an example of the distinguished citizens of the community who, as a result of a recent membership campaign, have been initiated into Trenton (Mo.) Lodge, No. 801, one class of twenty-six candidates included the pastors of the Methodist, Presbyterian and Christian Churches. These, with the pastor of the Baptist Church, who was already a member of Trenton Lodge, are connected with the leading churches of the city. In this same class were the Superintendent of Public Schools, the Principal and the Athletic Coach of the Trenton High School. These membership drives of Trenton Lodge have be come annual affairs and are always celebrated with a special banquet. This year, over 200were around the tables for the program arranged for the occasion.

Michigan City (hid.) Lodge Will Erect $200,000 Home Soon
Michigan City (Ind.) Lodge, No. 432, is planning to build one of the finest Homes in the district. At a recent meeting of the members it was voted to dispose of their present property and to proceed at once with plans for the erection of a new structure to cost in the neighborhood of $200,000.

Moline (Ill.) Lodge to Break Ground For New Building Soon
Plans of the new $200,000 Home of Moline (Ill.) Lodge, No. 556, which were recently submitted to the membership, include an auditorium, with a stage and balcony, to seat 1200. There will be a gymnasium, 78 x85 feet with lockers, showers and space for a swimming pool. The main entrance will be on Sixth Avenue with a theatre entrance on Seventeenth Street. A large porch will extend across the front. The assembly and community rooms, reception hall, the lounge and club room will be on the first floor. The second floor plan includes a spacious Lodge room and billiard room. In the basement will be hand ball courts. Elks Boy Scout room, trophy room, the grill, kitchen and private dining room. It is expected that ground for the new building will be broken early in the Spring.

Extensive Building and Alterations Planned by Eugene (Ore.) Lodge
Eugene (Ore.) Lodge, No. 357, is considering a pan to remodel its present Home. Tentative plans call for the addition of two floors, making the building four stories high. The new floors will be used as bachelors’ quarters, and will also provide for the enlargement of the lodge room. It is also planned to build a new two story structure 50 x 80 feet adjoining the Home, in which the Lodge will have a swimming tank and gymnasium.

Glendale (Calif.) Lodge and Hunting- ton Park (Calif.) Lodge Prize Winners
The float entered by Glendale (Calif.) Lodge, AO. 1289, in the parade of the Tournament of Roses held recently in Pasadena, Calif., was awarded the first prize banner. The McFarland Cup, donated and awarded by the Grand Exalted Ruler, was given to the float entered by Hunting- ton Park (Calif.) Lodge, No. 1415. It was the first time in the history of the Tournament of Roses that the Committee allowed a division to a fraternal organization, and this was extended to the Order as a compliment to the presence of Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland. All Lodges in Southern California were invited to enter a float in the parade.

New $100,000 Home Occupied by Hazleton (Pa.) Lodge
Hazleton (Pa.) Lodge, No. 200, now occupies a beautiful new Home in the center of the city on West Broad street. The building, the former private residence of A. Markle, Sr., which was purchased sometime ago by the Lodge for $100,000, has undergone extensive alterations to meet the requirements of the members. The basement is devoted to the purposes of a Lodge room, grill room, serving room, etc. On the first and main floor are located the large lounge room, main dining room, music room and ladies' reception room and office. On the second and third floors there are a number of living rooms with baths for the accommodation of visiting members of the Order. One of the features of the Home is the magnificent pipe organ in the music room. The building, one of the most imposing in the city, is surrounded by commodious and beautiful grounds.

Hazleton Lodge is one of the most prominent of the social organizations of the city, and' because of its enthusiastic and liberal cooperation with other institutions in public charity it has become one of the outstanding Lodges in that part of the State.

Devils Lake (N. Dak.) Lodge Entertains District Deputy Bolton
Members of Devils Lake (N. Dak.) Lodge, No. 1216, turned out in large numbers to welcome District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Redmond A. Bolton of Jamestown (N. Dak.) Lodge, No. 995, on the occasion of his official visit. The initiation of a good sized class was followed by a supper to the members and guests. Mr. Bolton' delivered an interesting address, complimenting the Lodge on the large attendance, and the enthusiasm and activities of the members throughout the year.

Hon. Frank G. Allen Guest of Norwood (Mass.) Lodge
"Frank G. Allen Night," recently held by Norwood (Mass.) Lodge, No. 1124, was one of the biggest events in the history of the Lodge. The evening was arranged in honor of Mr. Allen, who is President of the Massachusetts Sena.tc and a member of Norwood Lodge. A special entertainment marked the evening and some of the most distinguished men of the State address ed a gathering of practically the entire member ship of Norwood Lodge and visitors from neigh boring Lodges.

Yuma (Ariz.) Lodge Remodels Home. Plays Active Role in Community
Yuma (Ariz.) Lodge, No.476, has started actual work on a building program which includes the erection of an addition to its present home and the enlargement and refurnishing of its quarters throughout. The entire plan calls for an expenditure in the neighborhood of $18,000, and will give Yuma Lodge one of the most modern and up-to-date Homes in Arizona.

The membership takes a keen interest in welfare work and is a leader in all charitable and civic endeavor. As an example of its activities in these fields, the Lodge recently voted to furnish the necessary funds to equip a room in the newly opened city hospital.

Riverside (Calif.) Lodge Plans to Build New Home and Club House
The plans of Riverside (Calif.) Lodge, No. 643, for the erection of a new Home at an approximate cost of $110,000, have been recently approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler. The building is to be of fire proof construction of the Spanish type of architecture and located in the central part of the city.

Pawtucket (R. I) Lodge Backs Civic Theatre Campaign
Pawtucket (R. I.) Lodge, No. 920, is cooperating with the leading fraternal, civic, business and educational organizations of the Blackstone Valley in sponsoring the achievements and aims of the city's Civic Theatre, and in raising funds to put that important institution on a permanent footing. Practically every foreign nationality group—Poles, Italians, Portuguese, Syrians, Armenians—is also interested in the movement and giving its active support to the campaign.

Fernandina (Fla.) Lodge Mourns Loss of Prominent Member
His many friends and the members of Fernandina (Fla.) Lodge, No. 795, mourn the loss of Past Exalted Ruler John F. Mularkey who recently passed away. Mr. Mularkey, was 57 years old and had been a member of the Order for twenty-one years, taking an active part in all the affairs of Fernandina Lodge, never missing a session except when forced to do so by sickness. His twin brother, Past Exalted Ruler Daniel P. Mularkey, and he, are believed to have been the only twin brothers to hold the honorable distinction of serving their Lodge in this capacity. The whole membership, and friends from all over the district, attended the funeral of Mr. Mularkey.

Auburn (N. Y.) Lodge Pays Off Indebtedness. New Building in Sight
Through the united efforts of the members of Auburn (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 474, the sum of 820,000 has been paid on the site for their new Home in less than a year. Earl)- in January the Ladies' Auxiliary turned over to the Lodge the splendid sum of $3,500 to be applied to the New Home Fund. Several months ago the Auxiliary selected two sides, the Whites and the Purples, for the purpose of a contest to raise money. Card parties, moving picture shows and raffles were held. How well they succeeded can be seen from the amount contributed. With $20,000 paid on the new property and its State street block all paid for. Auburn Lodge is now in fine condition to go ahead with its building program.

Elmira (N. Y.) Lodge Complimented By District Deputy Powell
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Frank S. Powell of Norwich (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 1222, recently paid his official visit to Elmira (N. Y.) Lodge, No. 62, where he was greeted by a large gathering. A class was initiated into the Order and the ritualistic work was done in a highly creditable manner. After the ceremonies, the members adjourned to the banquet hall where a sumptuous supper was served, followed by an excellent vaudeville program rendered by talent from the Majestic Theatre, donated by the management. Mr. Powell complimented the members of Elmira Lodge upon the fine showing made during the year and the appearance of the Home.

"Commander Evangeline Booth Pays Tribute to Elks”
Under the above heading the following story, concerning Commander Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army, was printed in the New Orleans, La., Times-Picayune of Feb 26:

"Tribute to the members of the Elks Lodge who made the 'supreme sacrifice' in the world war and to the humanitarian work done by Elkdom in New Orleans and throughout the country, was paid by Miss Evangeline Booth, head of the Salvation Army, Monday afternoon, when the commander accompanied by a delegation of Elk officials, placed a wreath of roses and carnations in the Elk tomb.

"The inscription on the wreath read ‘In sacred memory of the brave men who laid down their lives on the altar of world liberty and freedom.'

'It is a great privilege to pay this tribute to the members of the Elk Lodge who made the supreme sacrifice in the world war,' Miss Booth said, addressing Exalted Ruler Werlein. 'There has always been a deep bond between the Salvation Army and the Elks. The Elk Lodge in New Orleans and those throughout the country have made a wonderful record, not only in war work but in social and community service.'

"Exalted Ruler Werlein expressed the thanks of the New Orleans Lodge.

"The simple, impressive ceremony at the tomb in Greenwood cemetery took place Monday afternoon. Commander Booth, accompanied by Commissioner Peart of Chicago, Lieutenant Colonel Wood, of Dallas, Past Grand Exited Rulers Edward Rightor and John P. Sullivan, Exalted Ruler Werlein and Secretary Moses, drove to the tomb through a heavy rain. Arriving at Greenwood cemetery the party entered the tomb, where Miss Booth placed the wreath and spoke the brief tribute."

Woodlawn (Pa.) Lodge Buys Building Site
The plans of Woodlawn (Pa.) Lodge, No. 1221, for the purchase of a building site at a cost of 813,500, were approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler. The lot is 50 by 100 feet and situated in the business center of the city.

Portsmouth (Va.) Lodge Conducts Trades Show and Circus
Portsmouth (Va.) Lodge, No. 82, will stage an Elks Trade Show and Circus beginning April 5th and lasting throughout the week. Leading manufacturers from all parts of the country have reserved booths for the exhibition of their products. A principal feature of the Show will be the automobile exhibit which is expected to surpass anything of its kind ever given in this section. In addition to these exhibits, there will be many high-class circus acts and musical numbers every afternoon and evening. There will also be a large parade with prizes for the best deco rated automobile and float. Norfolk (Va.) Lodge, No. 38, and Suffolk (Va.) Lodge, No. 685, are cooperating with Portsmouth Lodge in working out the plans for the show which will be entirely managed and controlled by Elks.

News of the Order From Far and Near
For a week the Elks Circus and Fun Festival conducted by Indianapolis (Ind.) Lodge, packed Tomlinson Hall. It was one of the biggest and most successful events ever put on by the Lodge.

The Grand Ball held under the auspices of Niles (Ohio) Lodge proved to be the leading social event of the season.

Wives of the members of Greenwood (Miss.) Lodge recently gave an entertainment for the benefit of the Crippled Children's Hospital at Memphis, Tenn., and the local King's Daughters Hospital, by which $2200 was raised and divided between these two institutions.

Rock Springs (Wyo.) Lodge recently dedicated its new Home. A large dance and banquet followed the ceremony.

Austin (Texas) Lodge is at work on a plan for raising an endowment fund to be given the University of Texas for the purpose of assisting students who are unable to pay their own expenses.

Greenville (Ohio) Lodge has remodeled and redecorated its Home.

McMinnville (Ore.) Lodge has rented a gymnasium, and hired an instructor to teach athletics to the Junior High School boys between the ages of 12 and 16.

A big attendance marked the Annual Social Session of Sullivan (Ind.) Lodge.

Flint (Mich.) Lodge has sponsored "The Flint Symphony Orchestra" which is made up of amateurs who are assisted by professionals. The Orchestra has fifty members and its con certs have become a real feature of the musical life of the community.

Danville (Ill.) Lodge is congratulating itself on the success of its second annual charity minstrel show.

Des Moines (Iowa) Lodge has organized a ten piece orchestra which is winning a name for itself in the community.

The Elks "Mirthquake," given at the Academy of Music for three nights, raised a tidy sum for Newburgh (N. Y.) Lodge.

The first Charity Ball to be conducted by Webster (Mass.) Lodge, established a record for attendance. Practically every member and visitors from Putnam, Southbridge, Worcester and other neighboring towns, took part in the entertainment.

Ashland (Ore.) Lodge recently sponsored a home talent musical comedy, the net proceeds of which will go to local charities. It is planned to make this amateur entertainment an annual event.

Robinson (III.) Lodge has two members over ninety years old who have been members of the Lodge for ten years. Another "Old Timer" is Captain Sampson, a member of Newton (Mass.) Lodge, who is over ninety-four and active at all meetings.

The "Follies," put on by members of San Juan (P. R.) Lodge, was voted the best show seen in the region for some time.

Olean (N. Y.) Lodge held its twenty-first annual ball in the local armory.

The Massachusetts Agricultural College Glee and Mandolin Clubs recently gave a concert at the Home of Northampton (Mass.) Lodge.

Sharon (Pa.) Lodge has organized a Troop of Boy Scouts.

The entire proceeds of the Charity Ball given by Port Townsend (Wash.) Lodge were contributed to a fund to support a Jefferson County bed in the Children's Orthopedic Hospital in Seattle.

A lively program was arranged by Willimantic (Conn.) Lodge for its tenth anniversary celebration.

"Radio Night" at Sioux City (Iowa) Lodge attracts many members and their families.

Oak Park (III.) Lodge is planning to erect a memorial tablet in its lodge room that will bear the names of all of its members who took part in the World War.

Kearny (N. J.) Lodge conducted a most successful Charity Ball.

Brainerd (Minn.) Lodge recently burned the mortgage on its building site.

Hackensack (N. J.) Lodge celebrated its twenty-third birthday with a week of festivities.

Berwick (Pa.) Lodge is making preparation for its annual charity ball on April 21.

Perry (Iowa) Lodge recently celebrated its twenty-sixth anniversary with a large banquet and dance.

Franklin (Pa.) Lodge has secured Major General George C. Richards, Chief of the Militia Bureau of the United States, as speaker for its Flag Day exercises.

Fire recently caused considerable damage to the Home of Pawtucket (R. I.) Lodge. Steps were immediately taken by a special committee to renovate the burned sections of the building,

Wakefield (Mass.) is planning a mortgage burning party to celebrate its freedom from debt.

Norwich (Conn.) Lodge has launched a drive for funds to pay off the small mortgage still remaining on its property.

A beautiful souvenir program, made possible by the cooperation of Ae city's business men, was issued by Scottsbluff (Neb.) Lodge in connection with the annual show put on by its members.

Bridgeport (Conn.) Lodge is making elaborate preparations for the success of its Charity Ball to be held Easter Monday Night, April 21.

Norwalk (Conn.) Lodge is working out a plan for enlarging and beautifying its Home.

Wheeling (W. Va.) Lodge has gained quite a reputation throughout the State, due to its excellent Committee on Social and Community Welfare. The City Council has been guided by various suggestions and resolutions offered by this committee.

The official visit of District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John J. Emerick of Catlettsburg (Ky.) Lodge, No. 942, to Winchester (Ky.) Lodge was the cause of an unusual celebration by the members in his honor.

The membership of Everett (Wash.) Lodge is considering the idea of building a new Home in the near future.

The Ladies' Auxiliary of Williamsport (Pa.) Lodge has guaranteed to raise $3,000 for the entertainment of the visiting ladies at the State Convention in Williamsport next August.

An indoor golf practice course has been opened on the roof garden of Scranton (Pa.) Lodge with a professional instructor in charge. Members of Scranton Lodge claim this is the only course of its kind on top of an Elks building.

The famous Aleppo Drum Corps of 196 pieces will escort the members of Cambridge (Mass.) f ^ the Parade at the Boston Convention of the Grand Lodge, next July.

Camden (N. J.) Lodge is negotiating the sale of Its present property with a view of buying another site on which it plans to erect a fine new Home.

The finest reviews and vaudeville acts ever presented at any of its annual affairs were on program of the Charity Ball recently held by Queens Borough (N. Y.) Lodge at the Hotel Commodore in New York City.

A large street parade opened the Charity Minstrel Show given by Clarksburg (W. Va.) Lodge.

The members of Council Bluffs (Iowa) Lodge recently put on a most successful musical comedy.

Nearly $7,000 was realized by Tacoma (Wash.) Lodge from the Charity Circus recently conducted by the members.

“Stray Elks," members of various Lodges living in Carlsbad, N. Mex., recently joined forces and put on an old-fashioned bam dance which was a means of raising a tidy sum for local charity.

The Eleventh Annual Charity Ball of Dover (N. H.) Lodge was held this year in the City Opera House. It was one of the most successful social events ever conducted by the Lodge.

Over five hundred attended the Annual Boys' Banquet given by Seattle (Wash.) Lodge.

A considerable sum for welfare work was realized by the Charity Ball given by Washing ton (D. C.) Lodge.

The Annual Mask and Civic Ball conducted by Union Hill (N. J.) Lodge was a gala event.

Work on their new Home is fast nearing completion and members of Somerville (N. J.) Lodge expect to occupy it early this month.

San Diego (Calif.) Lodge has voted a sum of $1,000 for the Helping Hand Children's Home of the city.

Special ceremonies marked the celebration by Rockland (Me.) Lodge of its eighteenth anniversary.

Yakima (Wash.) Lodge has organized a troop of Boy Scouts and promised the whole resources of the Lodge, if necessary, to back it to the utmost.

A luncheon and entertainment to the rest of the members of Winthrop (Mass.) Lodge were recently given by veterans of the Civil, Spanish and World Wars.

beautiful new lodge room being built by Newport (R. I.) Lodge is expected to be ready early in April so that its first use will be for the installation of the new officers.

The annual Kiddies' Day held recently by Medford (Mass.) Lodge provided the children with Punch and Judy, a magician, singing, and dancing acts, to say nothing of ice cream and candy.

Members of Elyria (Ohio) Lodge staged a big entertainment in celebration of their twenty-fifth anniversary.

Stockton (Calif.) Lodge has organized and is fostering a Glee Club which is rendering worthy community service.

Many pleasant surprises were in store for the children who attended the Washington's Birthday Party given them by Kansas City (Mo.) Lodge, No. 26.

Stamford (Conn.) Lodge is organizing a Glee Club.

The Minstrel Show put on by Charleston (W. Va.) Lodge was the biggest success financially of any event staged recently by the members.

The Masquerade Dance conducted by Oconto (Wis.) Lodge was a distinguished social event.

A large banquet commemorated the Thirty-ninth Anniversary of Milwaukee (Wis.) Lodge.

The Annual Ball and Banquet of La Grande (Ore.) Lodge was the outstanding social event of the year.

Successful in every way was the Minstrel Show put on by members of Latrobe (Pa.) Lodge.

Elizabeth (N. J.) Lodge has purchased one of the finest pipe organs in the State for its Home.

A big musical comedy and minstrel revue was recently put on by the members of Dixon (Ill.) Lodge.

An evening of real pleasure and sociability was experienced by all who attended the Grand Ball held at the Home of Staten Island (N. Y.) Lodge.

District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Ed ward J. McCrossin of Birmingham (Ala.) Lodge recently visited Florence (Ala) Lodge where he gave an interesting talk before the members. After the business session several candidates were initialed and a luncheon was served.

The monthly dances sponsored by Beatrice (Neb.) Lodge have been highly successful.

The best minstrel show ever- staged in the city was given recently by Olympia (Wash.) Lodge.

Greencastle (Ind.) Lodge has subscribed and paid to the De Pauw Endowment Fund S500 for educational purposes.

As a result of the benevolence of Seguin (Texas) Lodge the grounds of the public school have been beautified by a number of trees which were donated and planted by the membership.

Daytona (Fla.) Lodge is moving ahead rapidly both in the increase in membership and in Social and Community Welfare Work. The Lodge has started a movement to build a general hospital in Daytona, and with the cooperation of the American Legion and other social organizations is achieving its goal.

Ardmore (Okla.) Lodge conducted a highly successful indoor circus.

All attendance records were broken when officers and a large delegation of members from Frankfort (Ind.) Lodge initiated a big class of candidates at La Fayette (Ind.) Lodge. A fine entertainment followed the session.

A Circus and Mardi Gras which ran for a week was the means by which Enid (Okla.) Lodge enriched its Charity Fund.

The various High School Athletic Teams and the Boy Scouts are the close friends of Washington (N. C.) Lodge which assists them in all their activities.

Lawrence (Mass.) Lodge has held a scholarship ball.

Paul Whiteman's celebrated orchestra entertained the members and guests of Melrose (Mass.) Lodge.

The annual contest for the James R. Nicholson cup conducted by the Massachusetts State Elks Association this year was held at Brookline (Mass.) Lodge. Natick Lodge won first honors for the second time. Should it be successful next year, the cup will become the permanent possession of that Lodge.

Distinguished speakers and an excellent vaudeville show were features of the thirty-fourth annual banquet given by Lancaster (Pa.) Lodge.

For two nights the minstrel show put on by Pittston (Pa.) Lodge played to capacity houses.

Le Mars (Iowa) Lodge is rendering financial assistance to the 13oy Scouts, enabling the local troupe to maintain a summer camp. The Lodge also raised funds to send the local municipal band to Milwaukee for the National G. A. R. Convention where this band accompanied the Iowa organization.

Mangum (Okla.) Lodge has begun a selective membership campaign.

Sault Ste. Marie (Mich.) Lodge organized among its members an Elks Hockey Team which distinguished itself in games with highly rated amateur teams.

Newport (Ky.) Lodge will hold its big Charity Minstrels in the Temple Theatre, April 28-30. The profits will go to the hospitals and orphan ages of the city.

Bristol (Pa.) Lodge is planning to organize a Past Exalted Rulers Association.

Grafton (W. Va.) Lodge recently initiated the biggest class in its history, the degree team of Parkersburg (W. Va.) Lodge conducting the ritualistic work.