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Chicago Lodge Membership System

How to: Recreate Indexes

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It is sometimes necessary to recreate the database indexes that are enforced on the Chicago Lodge Membership System database. This should only be done when absolutely necessary or when you have been directed to do so by a Chicago Lodge Membership System representative. Reindexing the tables can solve minor errors in the database tables. To reindex the database tables follow the steps outlined below.

Reindexing the database tables

Step 1

Select the "Recreate indexes" menu option from the system's "Tools" menu. This can be seen in the image below.

Step 2

In the resulting message box, click on the "OK" button (see image below) and the system will begin reindexing the database tables. Progress indication will be shown as the tables are reindexed so please be patient. The process should only take a couple of minutes at most.

See Also


How to: Pack Database Tables


Technical Support


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