Scholar Service Grants

Each year, the Elks National Foundation awards Service Grants to current Elks scholars. Themes for the grants change from year to year and are chosen by the Scholar Advisory Board. Each year, the ENF will award 10 Service Grants. The 2023 Service Grant cycle is closed, but applications for 2024 will open in January. Winners will be announced by early March. Grant projects can be done anytime prior to the end of the year.

  • Eligibility: All scholars are eligible to apply.
  • Theme: To be announced.
  • Expectations: Scholar projects must focus on the theme and involve at least one of the following core partners: other Elks scholar(s), a student organization, a nonprofit, or an Elks Lodge. Following the completion of the project, the recipient is expected to send the ENF all receipts, photos, and a summary of their project and what it meant to them.