Roster help goes here.
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Roster filtered records help goes here.
The roster menu features various “wizards” that can be fired to execute common secretarial tasks such as adding a new membership candidate, or advancing a membership candidate from one step of the process to the next.
The roster menu also features links to allow you to add other new record types such as associate members, windows, stray elks, etc.
Finally, the roster menu features links to allow you to post membership dues, or to drop delinquent members for non-payment of dues.
Information about the Roster wizards will go here ....
A member's primary contact information is maintained through the Roster Contact tab. The address stored here is transmitted to the Grand Lodge automatically, and is the address to which the Elks Magazine will be mailed.
Note that certain fields on the Contact tab are for your infomation only, and not updatable. Specifically, the Carrier Route, DPC, LOT, and RESULT fields are populated automatically by overnight CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) processing.
Dues Paid Thru, Age, Initiated, Member Years and Lost Years are also displayed for your information. The data in these fields can be adjusted, if necessary, by editing the corresponding date on the history tab:
Field | Date Field to Edit |
Dues Paid Thru | Paid To Date |
Age | Birthdate |
Initiated | Initiated |
Member Years | Initiated |
Lost Years | Reinstatement Affiliation* |
*See dates help for more information.
By default, membership numbers are displayed on the contact tab in read-only format to avoid inadvertent changes. If you're sure that a membership update is required, click the check box labeled, "Enable Editing of Sensitive Data" on the main menu options tab, then return to the rolodex contact tab to make your update.
The Roster Alt Info tab is used, if necessary, to maintain an alternate address for a member, such as a vacation home. This tab is also used to maintain Grand Lodge mailing and shipping addresses for Exalted Rulers, Secretaries, committee chairmen, etc.
To save some typing, click the "Switch Active and Alternate Addresses" link to swap the address stored on the main contact tab with the one stored on the Alt info tab.
Similarly, you can quickly populate your Grand Lodge Mailing and Shipping addresses by clicking the appropriate link next to the Grand Lodge address. (Note that unlike the "switch" link above, these links quickly populate the Grand Lodge addresses but leave the main and alternate addresses unchanged.)
The Roster Spouse tab is used, if necessary, to maintain information about a member's spouse. Click the "ID Card" checkbox if the spouse will be issued an identification card.
The Roster History tab lists personal dates such as birthdays as well as Elk "milestone" dates such as application dates, initiation dates, paid-to dates, etc. Click the "[edit]" link beside the date to make any required revisions.
In most cases, dates are added or deleted to the History tab through the various Rolodex wizards. On rare occasions dates may also be added manually.
In CLMS, it's important to maintain an accurate history of the Elk "milestone" dates associated with each member. Please exercise extreme caution when revising this data!
The fields available for editing will vary depending on the date that you're revising. A "paid-to", for example, includes a lodge and membership number in addition to the date itself. An initiation date, on the other hand, includes those fields as well as fields for the Exalted Ruler and Secretary in office on the day of initiation.
Lost Years
The "lost years" field in included on initiation dates, reinstatement dates, and affiliation dates, and is included to provide secretaries with a method to adjust total membership years. If a member reinstates after a three-year membership lapse, for example, entering 3 in the lost years field will subtract three years from the "Member Years" field that displays on the rolodex Contact tab.
In most cases, new dates will be added to a member's record automatically through use of the various rolodex "wizards." You may need to edit those dates in the event of a typo, but the manual creation of a new date should relatively rare occurance. In the unlikely event that you do need to create a milestone date manually, you'll need click the "Enable Editing of Sensitive Data" checkbox on the main menu options tab, and then return to the rolodex History tab.
Once you've enabled the editing of sensitive data, you'll see a new [Add New Elk Milestone Date] on the history tab. Select the type of date you'd like to add, and click the GO button to add your new date.
The deletion of a milestone date is another relatively rare occurance, and is disabled by default. To enable the ability to delete dates and other records from your database, click the "Enable permanent deletion of records" checkbox from the main menu options tab.
Once the deletion option is enabled, open the date for editing, and you'll see a button labeled, "DELETE THIS DATE." Click the button to delete the date permanently.
If a candidate was entered as a member prior to initiation, and subsequently declined, initation, his initiation date will need to be deleted from the system, as well his orientation date, if that was also entered prematurely. Here are the steps to follow:
Deleting the prematurely entered dates will restore the record to candidate status, and allow you to run to the "Mark Candidate as Declined" from the Wizard drop-down menu.
The Roster Roles tab is where you can maintain information about a member's various "roles" within the Order, such as designations like Past Exalted Ruler, Past District Deputy, Past Officer of the Year, or Past Elk of the Year. You can also use this tab to assign a member to a current lodge office like Exalted Ruler or Esquire.
Note that certain designations like Life Member, or Honorary Life Member are displayed in read only format. These roles can be assigned by executing the appropirate Rolodex Wizard from the drop down menu.
The Roster Committees tab allows you to assign a member to one or more lodge committees, or to indicate that the member has expressed an interest in that committee. Simply select the appropriate committee title from the drop down box, and click the UPDATE button to post the assignment. (Each committee on this tab is actually a separate form, so please post committee assignments one at a time.)
If a member is retiring from committee work, click the link at the bottom of the page labeled, "Retire All Committee Assignments." This will turn all current committee assignments into "past" committee assignments. Click the "Delete All Committee Assignments" link to delete all committees assignments for this member.
Roster Misc tab help goes here.
Roster Payments tab help goes here.
Roster Custom Fields tab help goes here.
Roster remarks tab help goes here.
Roster flags tab help goes here.
Reports Help Goes Here.
Settings Help Goes Here.
Lodge info settings help goes here.
Dues and Fees Help Goes Here.
Officers/Commitees Help Goes Here.
Accounting Help Goes Here.
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Staff Help Goes Here.
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