Elks.org Help

Roster: Contact Tab

A member's primary contact information is maintained through the Roster Contact tab. The address stored here is transmitted to the Grand Lodge automatically, and is the address to which the Elks Magazine will be mailed.

Note that certain fields on the Contact tab are for your infomation only, and not updatable. Specifically, the Carrier Route, DPC, LOT, and RESULT fields are populated automatically by overnight CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) processing.

Dues Paid Thru, Age, Initiated, Member Years and Lost Years are also displayed for your information. The data in these fields can be adjusted, if necessary, by editing the corresponding date on the history tab:

Field Date Field to Edit
Dues Paid Thru Paid To Date
Age Birthdate
Initiated Initiated
Member Years Initiated
Lost Years Reinstatement

*See dates help for more information.

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