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Connersville (Ind.) Lodge Members Gift Lodge a Generous Sum
Mr. Lon Conner, well-known Indiana attorney and one of the twenty-five charter members of Connersville (Ind.) Lodge, No. 379, recently made the Lodge a gift of $15,000 to be used in the building extension program planned by the members a few months ago. As a result of this generous action, the Lodge's building fund has been increased to such an extent that ground-breaking ceremonies for the new structure will take place this spring. Plans and specifications have been prepared calling for a two-story building on the west part of the lot at Seventh and Eastern streets owned by the Lodge. This building will be connected with the present structure, providing a large lodge room, a recreation room and dining room. Mr. Conner, whose gift came as a surprise to his fellow members, is the son of the late Reuben Conner, one of the leading attorneys of Indiana.

More News from April, 1924